Monday 11 May 2020

Here and now - Covid19 Lockdown level 5 / 4

It's been 44 days since being under lockdown, but for every day there has been 24hrs.  Usually days and time fly by and we often used to say, "if only time would stand still for a while".  Now, there is no time to compare with. Days drag while hours tick by. One day is the same as next.

It's scary.
A sense of fear surrounds one, consciously or not.  It's there.
Expectations flutter the subconscious mind of the unknown.
Loneliness, needing human contact.

It's like being in a park but you just don't know what is on the other side of the fence.  It's like entering an arena and you the only spectator.

Limited shops are open for essential items - for survival.  Masks and sanitiser is a must.
Using the Uber has been limited to 5am to 9am and 4pm to 8pm.
Freedom, limited to your home only.
There is a huge outcry for food parcels for the needy, but limited to blacks only.
Financial aid to businesses but only for the blacks.
Alcohol and cigarettes are not being sold...well cheap cigarettes on the "black" market is available.  People are trying to brew their own alcohol.  
The streets, virtually empty.
The police and army control life now...the sense of reality no longer prevails.

My life as a disability pensioner consists of sleep, eat, read and hopefully I get a video call from my son with some time to coo and aaahh with my 6month old granddaughter. They only live 1hr away but, we in lockdown.  I haven't seen them in 2 months.  

So, someone would say, we all are in lockdown!  
That's true.  But it's the loneliness that is overwhelming,
It's the lack of stimulation or activity that creeps up unexpectedly.  The craving to do something but WHAT.
How much Facebook can one do in a day?  Everything is so negative that it's like bile that creeps up on one and you just can't shake it off.  
Netflix-oholic I have now become, watching during the night, humor is my craving.

Will my natural sleeping pattern ever return to normal?

South Africa will never be the same again pre lockdown, it was a spluttering blubber trying to survive, but I now only see the room, the resentment, the uprise of racism.
So, covid19 is not the fear, it's our lives, our children's lives, our homes, our rights, our employment, our survival in this country we fear.  Escape?  How and to where?

What I do know is God has the whole world in his Hands, the human factor is fear, the spiritual factor is Trust, Hope, Believe, Pray, Give thanks.

I believe, the time will come when God will set us, His Children,  free from this bondage, He will create confusion amongst those in power just like He did  when God disrupted the work the people were doing while building the tower of Babel, by confusing the workers so that they could no longer understand one another, that's when God will cause positive change to take place.

So yes, we are challenged by covid19, convenient the decoy, when in fact it's the evil actions of our Government challenging our lives.

How will levels ,3, 2, 1 affect life¿ Time will tell.

Sunday 14 September 2014

~ Inspire me ~

A movement only exists when people are inspired to move, to do something, to take up the cause as their own.     …. by Simon Sinek

  • So, what INSPIRES you?

  • What makes you DO?

This has brought back a thought about my mom.  When I moved out of home at the age of 18, ready to face the world out there, it was my mom who actually kept me inspired.  Besides chatting to her regularly by phone..she in Cape Town and me in crazy Hillbrow, Johannesburg, I would get a letter in the post from her…sometimes upto 10 pages long handwritten.  How on earth do you manage to write such long letters?  I one day asked her, after she asked my to buy her another writing pad, as she wanted to complete a letter to a friend.  She simply gave a girly giggle and said…”when the spirit moves you have to move with it”.

This saying of my mom has proven so true in my life.

I have been involved on a voluntary basis, with the Western Province Sport Association for the Physically Disabled for the past 11years, presently vice chair.  Here I have seen and been exposed to able bodied people who are totally inspired by people with physical and visual disabilities,  and, they have been involved for over 40 years, always encouraging and motivating members and athletes.  Thats inspiring!  That’s taking up the cause as their own.

Now here’s the humor part to me taking up the cause as if my own…well in a way it is, as I also have a disability now (as mentioned previously in a blog I have Essential Tremors). 
What's the cause? you ask.  

Man, if ever there is something that peeves me off then its vehicles parked in a parking bay reserved for people with disabilities.  There is just no respect or compassion for people who need those bays.  So Qasa ( recently published a number where people can report such incidents by whatsapp and they would follow up with the shopping mall or wherever the parking area is, as well as get the municipality/traffic to act against these perpetrators.  Darn…I saved that number so quickly….and no im not paranoid about it, but yes if I see people, usually these rich buggers in there Mercs or BMW or 4×4's parked in a disability bay and I SEE them get out and walk and do not have a disability sign on their vehicle…..I take a pic and send on.  The cause:  Disability Awareness and respect for people needing those parking bays.

Typing this has me wondering why many people are so hesitant to follow thru on their inspiration or passion!  Are you afraid of that challenge you are facing?

Maybe you are good at some form of art / landscaping / social sport like bowls or darts, but now that you have a physical disability or progressive disease you feel you just cannot cope with what usually inspires you, but yet that passion burns within you....don't give create how you can be inspired..I cant paint or bead anylong and oh how I yearn to grab a paint brush...but i'm learning now how to use my creativity in a different form.  

I have always enjoyed writing creatively but never pursued that avenue, it was always fun to write my sons essay or my niece and nephews essays and loved that they got 100% for it, but now, i'm learning how to blog, and who knows what will come from that but atleast I can use my creative thoughts in a new direction.  I have a research project up my sleeve too....about the paralympic movement, what South African Paralympians are doing after retiring from Paraympics and how sport has changed over the years for the Physically Disabled.  Its a biggie that one...but I will get to it.

So, take up the challenge, be inspired and let your passion take you to new extremes and opportunities in your life.


Sunday 17 August 2014


We have all been shocked and saddened by the untimely death of an amazing actor Robin Williams.  I enjoyed his humor whether in a movie or in comedy.  When I read of Robin Williams suicide and also knowing he had the start of Parkinson's disease, the thought once again resounded in my mind, how important it is for people being diagnosed with a progressive disease/disability so urgently and seriously need a life coach in their lives.

When looking back a few dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.  No one in the family really new what to expect, or do or react.  No one thought to ask "grampa" how he felt, how he was coping etc, and let me tell you, my father could walk many more a mile than any young person.  As a family we would get annoyed or frustrated with him when we got a call from the nearest Shopping Mall to request someone come fetch him, he is in "freeze" mode.   I remember a day when some Pastor prayed over my dad for healing and how he sincerely believed he was healed.  BUT, today I know that was not a healing of the body, it was a healing of the soul, being set free in his spirit.  How stupid and foolish as humans, as families are we not, to realise its not about US, and how we are now being forced to care for the person in our lives with the disease/disability or how embarrassed we feel when the person stumbles or drools while eating, or wets themselves because muscles are not functioning as they should any longer, and what would our friends think.

Have you ever stopped to think how your loved one feels with his/her disease/disability?
How do you feel about your disease/disability?
As a carer, how do you feel, how does this affect you?
and the most important question I ask you........
What are you doing to accept, cope and live with the situation you find yourselves in?

When depression hits us....
When we cry for no reason.....
When we are angry, irritated, frustrated......
                        Please get help, find someone you can share this with.

As my picture at the top of the page says....when life is difficult, feels senseless, nothing seems to go right....dont give up.
Matthew 11:28-30 says:    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest............ you will find rest for your souls. 
Besides God's Love, Grace and Mercy, we also need to bring our side, find a Life Coach who understands disabilities and start afresh in your life.  A new perspective to living day by day.

I encourage you, Life is not over yet!
Be comforted, encouraged and blessed.


Monday 11 August 2014

Stand UP for yourself

For TOO LONG you have allowed the past to affect you!
For TOO LONG you have taken personally what others say about you!
For TOO LONG you have stood on the sidelines watching others thrive!
For TOO MANY NIGHTS you have gone to bed worrying about what may be.
For TOO LONG you have held a fear in your heart.
For TOO LONG you have settled for second best!!

NOW is the time to awaken!
NOW is the time to shine!
NOW is the time to ACCEPT that you are DIVINE!!

This is my message for you - allow it to touch the deepest parts of your being - to help you awaken to the truth - that you do deserve to live a GREAT life - and whatever that means for you!

Thursday 7 August 2014

Wanna trade favors?

Yep, trading favors is nothing new to us.  I think, im one of those traders at home, ...:"if you wash the dishes tonight I will"  or  "please go with me to the mall, I will buy you a milkshake!"
then, we trade favors at weddings, baby showers and.....yes even with God.

However, the favor I am referring to is as follows.....:
We do not need to negotiate favors from God, somewhere along the line what we negotiate with God is either going to be forgotten by ourselves or our attitude will change (for the good or bad) and if its bad its actually our suppressed sense of guilt toward God, because, remember, He is true to his word, we as humans are not, we fail often.
Being educated or ignorant of God’s word doesn’t have anything to do with God fulfilling His promises.
“You will obtain” meaning, He will do it regardless of what we do or do not understand. However, when we do grasp the concept of God’s mercy, it draws us even closer to Him.  No longer do we seek His blessings, but we seek Him because of Who He is not because of what He can do.

“Blessed (with mercy, favor) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6 NKJV)

God wants to give us His daily favor, but if we don’t ask Him or spend time in His Word, in prayer or believe it, we won’t receive it.  Mercy and favor from God was made ours the moment we first believed.

So, do YOU want to trade favor today?  Lets do it with the right attitude, seeking approval in a manner that is way beyond what is usual by showing and leaning toward that which would only uplift us in our emotions, and in our spirit, not because we have an Agenda.
noun1. an attitude of approval or liking.
2.  an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
3. feel or show approval or preference
synonyms: prefer, lean towardopt for, tend toward, be in favor of;

Im going to trade a favour with about YOU pray for people in similar situations as yourself, as myself, that God would uplift their spirits and fill it with Joy.  And, once you have done so, share this with friends and family.


Monday 4 August 2014


Isnt it amazing to know, God listens to us, loves us, understand us and i'm sure in an uncanny way He smiles down on us when we doubt or worry or have a fear of something.  I have just received my recent newsletter from Dr Caroline Leaf, it really inspired me and .......heck, why not share this with you, be inspired and be blessed by the caption from Dr Leaf.

Written by Dr. Caroline Leaf
Thoughts are real - they occupy mental real estate. Every thought has a “heart” - the intention of that thought. God looks at this ‘heart’ (Jeremiah 17:10).
When we are not using our minds (intellect, will and emotions) to listen to what the Holy Spirit lays down in the depths of our spirit, then we will be listening to the lies of the enemy.
Whatever we listen to, we will think about and whatever we think about grows into a physical thought with this ‘heart’ being reflected as our attitude. People pick up on our attitudes - the intent of the thought - not the detail of the thought.
The brain is designed with various structures that facilitate this to happen. So...reflecting our ‘hearts’ is how God designed us.

How precious is your kindness o God!
Be blessed.......

Friday 1 August 2014

OooOhhh! Those jolly gremlins

So often when we are faced with our disability gremlins in our life, its very difficult to always identify who or what that gremlin is, and believe it or not, there is no shame in identifying that gremlin.

Even though I share thoughts in my blog, I too am faced with gremlins that either mess with my head, my emotions or physically.

This week has been one of those "mess with my head" moments. As mentioned in previous blogs, my progressive disease (essential tremors) has me really frustrated.  I cant live out my life or creative ways as I have before, thinking is becoming what on earth to prepare for lunch or supper.  Its easier to just grab a weetbix or a slice of toast, but thats no healthy eating for both myself or my athlete son.
Then..there is the exhaustion I experience and would rather continue sleeping, (12hrs + per day),  then I don't have to cook, or keep a cheery smile, or be frustrated because I just cant get down to doing something constructive or stimulating
Yes, what im saying is, i'm struggling too.

What I have discovered is that when I can name that gremlin out loud, talk about how i'm feeling that particular day because of my gremlin, its easier to just to manage for that day, and the next time it happens it becomes easier to deal with.

And yes, once we are diagnosed with a disease, we also go thru a mourning period, and this is where our gremlins love to raise their heads.

So this week I name my gremlin.....Depression.   Im going to learn to manage you.

Whatever thoughts you are choosing today, keep the ones that brings you peace, and release what brings you suffering.  Doing so you know that happiness is just a thought away
 What will you do today different from what you did yesterday that will help you to get closer to managing your life ? Are you going to read empowering books or network with people that will cheer you up ?
May you find encouragement in knowing, you are are not alone, all we need to learn is how to use the gifts God has given us to walk humbly with Him, joyfully..

Greetings and be blessed...